Home Remedies for Cough: Simple Homemade Remedies

Honey & lemon

Mix honey and lemon in warm water and drink it to soothe a cough.

Ginger Oil

Boil ginger in water and drink the tea to relieve cough and congestion.

Saltwater Gargle

Gargle with warm saltwater to ease a sore throat and cough.

Turmeric milk

Mix turmeric powder with warm milk and drink it to relieve cough and cold symptoms.

Steam inhalation

Inhale steam from hot water to relieve nasal congestion and cough.

Thyme tea

Mix turmeric powder with warm milk and drink it to relieve cough and cold symptoms.

Eucalyptus oil

Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and inhale the steam to relieve cough.

Onion syrup

Boil chopped onions with honey and water, strain and drink the syrup to soothe a cough.

Licorice root tea

Boil licorice root in water and drink the tea to relieve cough and sore throat.

Pineapple juice

Drink pineapple juice to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and soothe cough.